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HomeProgram Information (BCETS)
BCETS 2025 Schedule and Events Overview
Below are important BCETS 2025 dates. The full schedule is available here

Jan 27: Orientation Meeting

This is a social event beginning at 6pm with food and beverages at the Fitchburg Community CenterStoner Prairie Dining Room.

Topics include the BCETS ride and event schedule, cold weather gear, nutrition and training basics. It's a great opportunity to get answers to your questions/concerns and to meet fellow participants

Mar 1: First Ride
We're off! The season gets under way with a flat, out and back ride to the Firefly Cafe, Oregon. Socialize with the other BCETS riders, ride leaders and the committee while enjoying coffee and a bakery item of your choice, paid for by BBC. Select here for details and route.

Mar 4: 6 pm Nutrition and Fueling Session, Trek HQ

You won't want to miss this opportunity to hear from Endurance Coach, Shane Brown 

Apr 3: Indoor Hill Climbing Seminar, Cronometro

Select here for more details

Apr 5: On-road Hill Climbing Clinic

Select here for more details

May 24: Century Ride

The ride goes through the beautiful rural scenery around Columbus, WI. There is a supported rest stop with food/drinks

Jun 8: Final Ride and Celebration Picnic

We'll have plenty of food and drinks to help you celebrate your completion of the BCETS training series!


Started in 2004, BBC's Bombay’s Challenge Event Training Series (BCETS) is a 15 week early season training ride preparing riders for hilly endurance events such as The Horribly Hilly Hundreds in June, Ride Across Wisconsin, IRONMAN Wisconsin or Dairyland DareIt is also excellent training if you just want to improve your climbing skills, endurance and overall fitness. The rides will challenge you on your way to attaining peak performance in mid June.

$70 fee is due when you register for the BCETS program. We have held this fee as low as possible for several years while increasing the value. The fee includes:

  • An orientation social with food and refreshments
  • 15 training rides from April to June with up to 15 ride leaders to help and encourage you towards your fitness goals
  • A supported century ride with fueling and hydration stops
  • The first ride includes a stop at the Oregon Firefly cafe where BBC will buy your coffee and a bakery item
  • The final ride includes a celebration, all you can eat picnic with refreshments
  • An indoor hill climbing seminar with food and refreshments
  • Nutrition seminar with food and refreshments
  • An at cost BCETS specific custom design cycling Jersey
  • 50% discount on DexaFit VO2 max testing and body composition scan
An active BBC Club membership is required for BCETS registration. BBC annual membership is $35 for an individual or $50 for a household. Select here to join or renew BBC Membership. 


Is BCETS for Me?

BCETS does require good physical and medical fitness prior to the start of the program. During the winter months, we recommend preparing by riding indoors - eg joining the BBC Zwift Events, running, swimming or other regular physical activity. If you aspire to reach a minimum average speed of about 13 mph for up to 100 miles over very hilly terrain to improve your fitness and climbing skills, you will fit in. You'll get help and motivation from other friendly BCETS riders eager to share their passion and encouragement for riding the hills in western Wisconsin.

The Training Series

  • Weather permitting, outdoor training rides are every Saturday morning from March 1 to June 8 (the week before the Horribly Hilly Hundreds)
  • Ride distance and elevation increase through the 15 week series, beginning with two relatively easy rides and quickly progressing to very hilly and challenging. Rides range from 30 to 70 miles with a 100 mi ride towards the end of the program. Hills are the challenging feature of the series with rides ranging from 1,000 to 6,000 ft of climbing
  • We take rider safety seriously, all riders must follow the BBC Rider Safety Responsibilities

The Routes
  • We ride through all the hills and roads of the Horribly Hilly Hundreds course on the gorgeous and very hilly terrain in and around Blue Mounds and Mt Horeb. Select here to view the BCETS RWGPS routes
  • The routes are designed to be physically demanding with the goal of reaching peak form in June
  • We ride in small groups to accommodate different abilities and to minimize our footprint on country roads. Each group is led by an experienced ride leader


BCETS Program Benefits

Ride With GPS Club

Your BCETS registration includes the highest level of RWGPS features to:

  • Wirelessly transfer Routes from a phone or pc (Pin) to a GPS device
  • Use the RWGPS app on your phone for turn by turn navigation with audio cues
  • Print a route map and its cue sheet

To join, select here (The BCETS RWGPS Club is separate from the BBC RWGPS Club)

  • If you already have a RWGPS account, select Sign in to your account and enter your RWGPS personal account email and password
  • If you don't have an account, select the Sign up button and enter your name, email address etc.

📢NEW50% Discounted DexaFit Fitness Testing
DexaFit discounted fitness tests are available to registered BCETS riders. These tests will give you very important insights into where and how you can improve your fitness and physical health. Select here for more information.

  • VO2 Max Test (BCETS price $90, normally $175

    This test measures your VO2 Max value and your Max HR. The test protocol is similar to doing an FTP test and is performed on a treadmill.

  • Dexa Body Composition Scan (BCETS price $75, normally $150)
    This test measures your body fat distribution, including visceral fat (fat around your organs) and your bone density. The test is performed using a very low dosage x-ray scan on an open table.

Zwift Club - BCETS

If weather cancels a ride, we will substitute a Zwift hilly ride with optional Discord. If you're new to Zwift or need a refresher, select here
To join the BCETS Zwift Club, select here (This is separate from the BBC Zwift Club)

  • The Zwift ride will be at 10am on the same Saturday as the cancelled ride
  • The ride will be posted on the Zwift Companion app on the morning of the cancelled ride. Select CLUB, BCETS then  + 

Zwift Club - BBC

BBC has 3 Zwift rides per week from Nov 27, 2024 to Mar 15, 2025 - Wednesday at 6pm, Saturday and Sundays at 9am. Consider this as an effective addition to your winter season training and is a great way to be ready for BCETS in March. Select here for more information. 

The Discord server name is BCETS-Riders and the address is There are several text channels for discussing BCETS related topics with other riders, ride leaders and the BCETS committee. The voice channel is used for a substitute Zwift ride when a BCETS ride has been cancelled for unsafe weather conditions. For help getting started and using Discord, select here





  • What kind of gearing do I need on my bike

    A 34/50 chainrings with an 11-34 cassette is optimal for BCETS hills. Select here for our comprehensive blog that will help you decide if your current gearing is appropriate for the BCETS hills
  • Do we ride if the weather is less than ideal
    Yes! One of the benefits of BCETS is learning to ride in different kinds of weather. We start when it’s still cold, and we end up riding in weather that may reach the 90s. Safety always comes first though, we cancel rides when the conditions are unsafe.
    Ride cancellations will be emailed and posted 1 hr before the ride start time on the BBC website Home page and on the BCETS Facebook page
If weather cancels a ride, we will substitute a Zwift hilly ride. The Zwift ride will be at 10 am and posted on the Zwift Companion appBCETS Club on the morning of the cancelled ride. To join these rides, you must join the Zwift BCETS Club (free). Select here to join. Note, this is a separate club from the BBC Zwift Club
  • Do I need special cold weather gear

    Yes. The temperature can be cold for the first few rides. Checkout our comprehensive blog here for tips on staying warm and for suggestions on good clothing choices

  • Do you provide sag support and have dedicated water stops
    We do not provide sag support or food/water out on the routes, however the rides are designed to go past parks with water fountains and convenience stores so you can refill water bottles and refuel if needed

  • What kind of routes do you provide
    Each ride has an up to date, scouted Ride with GPS route that you can transfer to your GPS device or phone. Select here to view the BCETS RWGPS Routes.
It's a good idea to set the RWGPS route to be available 'offline'  as reception around Mt Horeb can be an issue
  • What if I miss a few rides
    Don't worry if you have to miss a few rides. We all have lives outside of cycling, however we do encourage you to get out for each ride!
  • If I know that I’m going to miss a few rides, can I get a discount on the registration fee
    No, sorry. We do not offer partial or prorated registration fees
  • Are e-bikes allowed on BCETS rides

    No, BCETS is all about improving your own engine!

  • Are minors allowed to participate in BCETS

    No, individuals must be 18 years of age or older

  • What should I bring on a BCETS Ride
    Select the image below to copy and modify the checklist for your needs

  • Do I Need a State Park Car Permit 

    • Online (easiest). You can print the receipt and put it on your dashboard till the sticker arrives by mail
    • In person at DNR Madison, 101 S. Webster St
    • In person at DNR Fitchburg, 3911 Fish Hatchery Rd
    • In person at Governor Nelson State Park north of Lake Mendota

  • What if I have more questions

    The orientation meeting on January 27th is a great place for new and existing riders to get questions answered. You can also post on our Discord Channel, or email



I joined BCETS without knowing much about it. As a newer cyclist, I was looking for a way to grow my skills, build some muscle, and get some early season rides in. My partner's mom, a long time BCETS rider, immediately recommended the program. I love the community that BCETS provides, and the early season practice lead to a great summer!

BCETS has become more than just a cycling group for me – it's a community that has enriched my life in countless ways. The shared laughter, the collective push up challenging hills, and the post-ride beer/coffee chats have become integral parts of my routine. I'm grateful to be part of a group that not only shares a love for cycling but also understands the true essence of community and friendship.

I plan on signing up for BCETS again. It is not as scary to me as it used to be. I used to avoid hilly rides. Now I can handle them. Being with a group of other riders definitely helps me to get outside on my bike very early in the season. Doing BCETS makes the rest of the bike season rides more fun when you start with a solid base of training. BCETS helped me to do the Horribly Hilly Hundreds and the Dairyland Dare for the first time in 2023. I’ll be out there again looking forward to seeing friends I’ve made and meeting new ones.

I heard about BCETS through the cycling grapevine. I'd always been intrigued, but hadn't ever signed up as I enjoyed a break from cycling in the winter. In 2023 I'd decided to attempt Ride the Rockies in Colorado. I thought BCETS would be a great motivator to ride more in the late winter/early spring and the hills would help me with the long climbs I anticipated facing in Colorado. It worked! I rode much more in late winter/early spring. I enjoyed the camaraderie of my fellow BCETS participants. On Saturdays when I'd have
 most likely rolled over in bed to hit the snooze button in past years, now because of my BCETS commitment, I arose and gathered my cycling gear for yet another ride up Blue Mounds! The ride in Colorado was splendid. BCETS really prepared me physically for the ride, but also prepared me for how to dress for the ride in Colorado. I was surprised how similar March weather in Wisconsin is to June weather in the Rocky Mountains! I had so much fun last year that I'm back for another year of BCETS in 2024.

I first learned of BCETS from a friend who couldn't say more about how hard and rewarding it was to be part of the group. I decided to sign up the following spring to level-up in training and take on new & challenging rides. The routes are not only challenging (and they are), they are some of the most scenic routes in Wisconsin. Period. Along with weekly training rides, BCETS vets share nutrition tips, climbing techniques and strategy through clinics and social events which is a great way to get to know folks...and what they look like without a bike helmet on! The wrap-around support is great, and camaraderie through the long winter months, a welcome chance to form new friendships.